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Legal notice

1. Purpose and acceptance

This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website.

The primary objective of the services provided by the website is to enable contact between users and the company, whether for getting in touch with us or for requesting quotes.

Browsing the website confers user status and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions of this Legal Notice, which may be subject to change.

The user undertakes to make proper use of the website in accordance with the law, good faith, public order, customs, and this Legal Notice. The user will be liable to PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. and to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of breaching such obligations.

2. Ownership of the website and identification of the Information Society Service Provider

In order to comply with the principle of general information required by Article 10 of Law 34/2002, 11th July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform our users that this website belongs to PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L., with VAT number B38662706, registered in the Commercial Register of Santa Cruz de Tenerife on Page TF27721 Folio 132 of Volume 2265.

Address: Calle Laura Gröte De La Puerta, 16 Nave 5, 38110 - El Mayorazgo (Santa Cruz De Tenerife)
Telephone: 922979370
Website hosted by: OHV

3. General terms of access and use

The website and its services are of open access and free of charge, although the use of certain areas or services is subject to the completion of data collection forms. Only those over 18 years old may provide information through our website; those under 16 years old may not provide it without the consent of a parent or guardian.

The user guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of all data communicated to PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. and will be solely responsible for providing any false or inaccurate declarations. has the following types of users:

  • Users who provide data on any of the available forms: the personal data requested by PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. includes the name, email address and any information provided by the user when completing the forms.
  • Users who have not contacted PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. but whose data is collected: data provided by cookies.
  • Users of our private area: includes username and password.
  • Users who comment on the blog: the email address, name and surname(s) or nickname, comment made, and comment date are collected from these users.
  • Users who make purchases through our online store: the data provided by the user during the purchase process and data of the purchase made are collected.
  • Users who send us their data through the website to become distributors of our products. 

3.1. Rules and prohibitions of use for users of our services

The user expressly undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services offered and not to use them for:

  • Disseminating content, which is criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, glorifies terrorism, or which is generally contrary to the law or public order.
  • Introducing computer viruses into the network or carrying out actions likely to alter, break, interrupt or cause errors or damage to electronic documents, data, hardware or software belonging to PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. or third parties; as well as hinder the access of other users to the website and its services.
  • Attempting to access restricted areas of the computer systems of PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. or third parties and, if applicable, extract information.
  • Violating intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as the confidentiality of information belonging to PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. or third parties.
  • Impersonating another user, public administrations or a third party.
  • Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available or in any other way publicly communicating, transforming or amending the contents, unless you have the authorisation of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted to do so.
  • Collecting data for advertising purposes and sending any kind of advertising or communications for sales or other commercial purposes without prior request or consent.

3.2. Procedure in the event of unlawful activities

In the event that any user or third party believes there are facts or circumstances which reveal the unlawful use of any content and/or the unlawful conduct of any activity on the web pages included in or accessible through the website, they should send a notification to PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. duly identifying themselves, specifying the alleged breaches, and expressly declaring under their responsibility that the information provided in the notification is correct.

4. Privacy policy

The user can check how PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. uses their data and the security measures implemented in the following link: Privacy Policy.

5. Cookies policy

PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. instala cookies en el ordenador del usuario. Para conocer más las cookies de nuestro sitio web acuda al siguiente enlace: "Política de Cookies"

6. Notifications

All notifications and communications between users and PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. shall be considered effective, for all intents and purposes, when made by post, email or telephone. Users should contact PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. by:

• Posting to the following address: PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. – Calle Laura Gröte De La Puerta, 16 Nave 5, 38110 - El Mayorazgo (Santa Cruz De Tenerife).

• Emailing the following address:

7. Intellectual and industrial property

All website content, such as texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, as well as its graphic design and source codes, constitute work belonging to PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L., and none of the exploitation rights over them may be understood as being transferred to the user beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the website.

In short, users accessing this website may view the contents and, where appropriate, make authorised private copies, provided that the reproduced elements are not subsequently transferred to third parties, installed on servers connected to networks, or subject to any type of exploitation, and solely and exclusively for as long as the service is operational.

Likewise, all brands, trade names or distinguishing logos of any kind that appear on the website are the property of PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L., and it may not be construed that use of or access to the website confers any rights whatsoever on the user.

The distribution, modification, transfer, or public communication of the contents, and any other act not expressly authorised by PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. is prohibited. In the event of non-compliance, PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. will take the appropriate legal measures.

8. Exemption from liability and modification of this legal notice

This section refers to general website/blog content, excluding the online store. The online store content, as well as the information on the products therein, are governed by the ‘Conditions of Sale’.

The information disseminated on this website is solely and exclusively for information purposes. PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. reserves the right to remove or suspend its dissemination, in whole or in part, and to change the structure and content of this website without prior notice and may even limit or deny access to this information.  

PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. endeavours to maintain the quality and updating of this information and to avoid and minimise possible errors. However, PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. will not be liable for any damages or losses caused by decisions taken based on the information disseminated; nor for any inaccuracies, omissions or errors contained therein; nor for any problems arising from using this website or any other external connection; nor for any damages and/or losses to the user’s software or hardware resulting from accessing this website.

Users expressly accept that PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. will not be liable for unauthorised access or alternations to their transmissions or data, for any material or data sent or received or not sent or received, nor for any transactions made through their website.

PRODUCTOS NATURALES DE CANARIAS, S.L. reserves the right to amend this Legal Notice unilaterally and without prior notice in the terms and conditions it deems appropriate, with the sole obligation of informing the user of the changes made through

9. Partial nullity

Should any of these clauses be declared null and void by final decision issued by a competent authority, the remaining terms and conditions will remain in force, without being affected by such declaration of nullity.

10. Applicable law and competent courts

This website is subject to the provisions of Spanish law and the applicable European regulations.

Any dispute arising from or related to the use of the website or its products shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts and tribunals of the province of S/C de Tenerife.

If you are an end consumer, nothing in this clause will affect your rights as recognised by the current legislation, and you may choose to file a claim to assert your rights in relation to these terms before the corresponding court or tribunal in your country.