It is a chronic and inflammatory skin disease, which causes temporary redness mainly in the area of the forehead, nose and cheeks, and can sometimes be accompanied by acne. “It has been hard for me to accept that from time to time my skin takes out these outbreaks, but this is also me,” explained the singer.
And the thing is that this problem not only affects the appearance of the skin, but also generates insecurity and complexes in those who suffer from it. In Spain, more than 4 million people have been diagnosed with rosacea for a variety of reasons: diet, climate, lifestyle, hygiene habits…
Not to smoke, to avoid the ingestion of spicy food or to protect the skin of the cold with very moisturizing cosmetics in winter are only some of the advices given by dermatologists to stop its arising.
Image: Singer Dani Martín
Source: Instagram
Frequently, when talking about the best natural skin care, Aloe Vera emerges as one of the most effective and popular remedies. Its multiple properties (moisturizing, regenerating, detoxifying, healing, etc.) make it an authentic oasis for our dermis, also for cases of rosacea.
Aloe has a moisturizing and penetrating capacity far superior to that of water, which multiplies its effectiveness. In addition, it eliminates bacteria and fat deposits that block the pores. Because of the fact that it is a powerful cellular regenerator, healer and toner, it stimulates the reproduction of new cells.
However, in order to enjoy all these benefits, it is essential that we ensure that Aloe is 100% pure, like Atlantia Gel.
Try applying Aloe every time there is an outbreak or even once a day or once every few days for maintenance. It is best to wash well the area where it is going to be applied and avoid contact with other areas so that bacteria do not spread.
In any case, we must not forget that rosacea is a disease that can be controlled, but it’s not curable, and not in all cases the skin responds in the same way to a treatment or cosmetic, so you should always visit a dermatologist beforehand.